Friday, February 9, 2007

Hamburger Helper

Okay, I just looked up the history of Hamburger Helper, and now I know that they began with five flavors in 1971 and I was born in 1980, so I know from that: they had more than the rice oriental when I was a child!! I can remember a couple of things that we ate growing up and I know that rice oriental Hamburger Helper had to be about 50% of what we ate. Yuck! Just the thought today makes me want to be sick. My Mom was a busy Mom, so our pantry had the following: chef boryardee (an assortment), canned soup (an assortment), of course rice oriental, Captain Crunch, bologna, macaroni and cheese, frozen doughnuts, frozen pancakes, chips, cookies and lots of little debbies. Every now and then on a day she was off or something, she would put a roast in the oven. She always thinks we are making "fun" of her when we talk to her about the HH, but really, we just wanted a little bit of was not that it was HH, it was that she never bought a different kind.

Could that be why, I always want to eat healthy and be healthy? (I am not saying I always accomplish that goal.) Probably my conclusion. I do have a strange obsession with macaroni and cheese though, I wonder if looking back even though right now Zaid loves mac-n-cheese, will he wonder why I had it in the house all of the time? Oh, well! I guess I have to give him something to talk about.....

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