Friday, March 16, 2007


Today I was reading my Bible study, by Beth Moore and even though for the past two weeks I have continued on Week 1, Day 1 today for some reason I went ahead to Week 2 (the week we are on now), and I finished Day 1 (I was working on that yesterday.) and then I finished Day 2. I needed Day 2, for today so much, it is amazing how God knows exactly what we need and when we need it. I am in awe. God knew I would need to read about how the Israelites went to Marah and the water was bitter, and how he showed Moses where the branch was to put into the water to take the bitterness away. I would have to let God take the bitterness away today and forgive, not to say what happened was okay but that I would be okay. To reach my Elim, it is a requirement to forgive. Exodus 15:22-27

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