Zaid and I are playing more every day now, we made each other birthday cakes out of play-dough today. He does soak up everything I say and do. I hope he picks up a lot of good and only a little bad. On Tuesday, we played all day together until bedtime, with his blocks, with the play-dough, we made cookies for one of his sick friends, then we drove them to his friend's house, they played in his room for a little while, the child is not contagious. I talked with the Mom for a little while, baby Jacob went with us and slept the entire time. I took Zaid to story time today and they read to him "The Ten Rubber Duckies" by Eric Carle, it is the cutest book. Then they made spring time flowers out of cupcake wrappers and marshmallows. Zaid can write his name and draw faces!!!! I am amazed. I know that is not exactly impressive to some people but to me it is. My baby can draw a baby face now and almost write his name. In such a short time.
We also had a sad day today, a friend had given us a dog yesterday then her boyfriend decided he wanted it back, I tried to explain to her, that it is hard on a four year old to have to give something back, that they think is theirs. She tried to turn it around on me and she made me realize that friends do not do that to other friends. We were sad for a little while. Zaid was sleeping when I took Buddy back. I hope he is okay when he wakes up tomorrow.