Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Little Birdy

My little bird elephant died on March 9, 2007 in the wee hours of the morning. I cried and cried and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I loved him.

May you sing your beautiful songs forever little birdy. You were in our lives for a short time, but you truly did make an impact on us. You always had a sweet demeanor. You loved to sing to the heavens. And once, you woke me up while I was asleep in the bathtub ~ even though you normally did not sing at night. For that, I thank you little birdy. I hope you liked it here with our family. May you rest in peace and always know you were loved.

~Sunday Drive~

As I was driving home from Mississippi this weekend, I had a self-realization that ~ loving yourself is not about accepting every part of your "body." That loving yourself is loving your inside ~ your heart. A friend asked me recently if I loved myself ~ I did not have an answer until now. Yes ~ I love my soul.

(This picture is of me playing with my sweet little niece Annie B. I pray that she always loves herself on the inside because her little soul is so, so beautiful.)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Beauty of Friends

You could search the whole world looking for a friendship like ours, and you would only wear out a good pair of feet. -Bradley Trevor Greive

The faith in our friends grows as each of us helps the other move foward in life.
-Bradley Trevor Greive

I feel so blessed by God to have discovered such amazing friends, who accept me as I am~all while motivating me to be the best person I can be, for my awesome faith filled friend Rach, I love you and believe in you girl!