Sunday, February 20, 2005

4 Years Ago

Four years ago, I became a Mommy, I put someone's needs above my own, I love him unconditionally, I cry when he is sad, I am happy when he is happy. I adore him. He is amazing. And today he was four years old. I love the way he is not embarrassed by things like being in the nude, he had gotten out of the shower, and he asked where his friends were? He did not care that he was completely naked. I love how we played play-dough today on his birthday, we made a cake and cupcakes and a big brown blob, that he called a baby. I loved how he blew his candle out on his giraffe cake, and he did not care that Mommy forgot the candles, so we had a tealight on it. I love this little guy. I loved how he played with the parachute, painted a goldfish t-shirt and dressed up as Sully. I loved his birthday, I loved how he loved his birthday, I love every day with him. I must always remember to cherish all of our days together. He loved playing with his friends, but he also liked just hanging out with family for a little while. I never want to forget how happy he is now. I always want to remember these days.

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