Saturday, September 10, 2005

Paint Swingsets Baking

Today we played outside on the swingset, I watched Cameron and Zaid do their "tricks" on the swing, then I listed some items on ebay while they played in the tent and on the swingset. When I went to talk to the neighbor, they both wanted me to pick them up at the same time, I did for a moment, but they got too big and I had to put them down. I wonder why they run over whenever I am talking to someone? I guess they want to be seen also. We painted wrapping paper for some gifts for Ms. Jane, their Sunday School teacher and a little boy. It is their birthday, then they made cards, I have to let Zaid make the birthday person's card first before I give him a card for himself or he will not color the recipent's card. I did not learn that until recently. He loves cards, he loves to color them and paint cards, he adores cards. Turquoise, Zaid loves the color turquoise, he learned in art class that turquoise is a turcichary color. He LOVED art class and continues to ask me when he can go back, he went for four weeks on Tuesdays. The first class Tamer said he cried but the other three classes he did not even look back, he said the art teacher's husband shared his fries with him. :) The way to a baby toot's heart through the tummy. Too bad art class was only during the summer, I hope she does something over Christmas break.
We also made an apple cake for Ms. Jane and Nathan, we hope they like it, the boys picked out to cook that, they helped a little before their bedtime baths. Zaid loves apples, Cameron also. We are going to the apple orchard soon to get some apples because at preschool, they are doing a unit on apples.

We went upstairs and painted wrapping paper and cards for birthday people. Zaid painted a scuba diver, a moon with clouds and water. Cameron painted a boat. They both stamped the cards with a stamper and put construction stickers on the birthday cards. Painting is a favorite activity.

Yesterday we kept Jacob for Carrie because he had an ear infection, he is a good baby. So sweet. I woke Zaid up and he was so happy, he tapped Jacob on the shoulder and asked him if he liked his Yoda shirt. Then he measured to see if the Yoda shirt would fit him. They played with the drum sticks with Jacob and he crawled around and they shared their toys with him. Jacob is 10 months old now.

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