Sunday, January 15, 2006

Orginally Entitled "Warmth"

I wrote this on February 9-2004, almost two years ago, but still true for me today. :)

This is not at all a "happy little thought", but I was thinking last night.

That at the end of our life, we are going to die. That is what we are working towards and fowards, to death. So when I sometimes say, "I'll be happy when _______ happens." I should not do that, I should be happy in the NOW because, what else is the purpose of life. You know? What a dreary thought, yet I think that it holds good things, because it lets me know why I should try to find humor and happiness in each and every day without all the whining. :) That if I do not get trivial things done then you know what, who cares.

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