Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Zaid asks me questions all of the time, that most five year olds do not ponder? A lot of time, I do not know the answer to his questions. He connects the dots, oh so well. Not much gets by him, he will call me on mistakes. I am not allowed to be hypocritical. He forgives easily though. If I tell him I am sorry, he says "Try not to do that anymore, Mama." And then he is done with it, while I am up at night wondering if I am sending him to years of therapy later on.

Zaid is unique. He is quirky. Zaid is puzzling. He is hard to read. He is giving and compassionate. He is Zaid. Maybe his name set him up for that, maybe his genes. He is not afraid to be different either. He revels in his difference.

Sometimes, I think about sending him to boarding school (mostly kidding) so that he gets an amazing education, and they can maybe answer his questions, about space, black holes, God, why people have certain reactions and life in general.

Zaid does not "connect" with just everyone he meets. He connects with a few and latches on. They will be forgiven of any wrongs they may commit. They will be loved and showered with attention by Zaid.

As a baby, Zaid always watched what was happening, then he might imitate it if he wanted to, if he saw no point to imitate the behavior, he just did not do it. In school now, he watches, he waits, I can not "force" any learning on him. He waits and then he masters the skill. Instantly. Almost overnight. (If it is a skill he wants to master, I'm not sure he will ever want his handwriting to be any better. :))

As he got older, if he says he is not going to do something. HE IS not going to do it. He will fight you tooth and nail, he is passionate about what he believes in (even though it may be candy, games, Batman, movies) right now.

I wonder if Zaid is a natural born leader? Will this skill serve him well? Will he succeed in this game we call life?

I wonder what he will be? A zookeeper? Someone who works with hammers? An artist?
(Right now, he wants to have art class (where he is the teacher) and he always says he is an expert. )

I can only pray for Zaid, and that my actions will be only in love towards him. That everything I do in life, my actions will be compassionate, kind, loving, patient.

Zaid is Zaid. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Zaid will not change for anyone, he wants to be accepted as he is.

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