Monday, April 23, 2007


AS I continue to run, I turn away, I hide my face, I am ashamed. I do not want God to know that once again I have failed. Please leave me alone, I cry. I want nothing to do with you anymore. He is there - but not in my face. When I turn the radio on, even on secular; he is there. When I pick Zaid up from school he is there; he speaks through a teacher. I am in awe. I continue to see a Christian friend that I do not see very often. I know that EVERYTHING HAS to be given to God; not just part. I don't want to. Today-I can do this, God can do this-only if I give up myself to him. I read about children of the light. I ask for forgiveness. I give my heart, Tuesday, January 30-Peace comes to me. I pray ferverntly for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

(This was written a few months back. I shall never forget this time.)

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