Thursday, January 4, 2007


"Mama, why does the rain fall, do we drink the rain?" me ~ "Umm, rain is dirty Zaid, we can't drink it from the sky?" "Mama, what is in rain?" me ~ "Salt." "Mama, is this where salt comes from?" me ~ "Zaid, I'm not really sure, we will look it up when we get home."

Now, me at 11:18 pm finally getting a chance to look it up for my tiny love. Looks like rain is different from area to area.

On a totally different note, my love for this beautiful light in my life is so strong, so fierce as only a Mother's can be. At times so sad and meloncholy that he grows more and more minute by minute and other times, completely happy and excited watching him grow.

The third thought, we read a book about mosquitos tonight, he was intriqued and wondered if the mosquitos go to Heaven, I said probably not, as we would not want bugs to bite us in Heaven. But I did tell him that I was not for sure if there were mosquitos in Heaven. In the end, he said there were.

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